Thursday, May 31, 2012

My Squidoo Lens and Earnings Blog

I have been dedicating myself more and more to Squidoo, as of late, after starting off my year trying to make a dollar a day on Triond.  Slowly I noticed that the earnings on Triond are not great, so I began to explore my other options and since I had a few Squidoo lenses to my name, I thought that I would Squid-dabble instead.

I am now going full bore into my Squidoo lensmastership and am attempting to produce one lens a day, though it is a very daunting task, especially if I want to create quality lenses.  So far things have been going well, so I thought I would blog about any updates that I make to my lenses and try to drive some traffic to Squidoo through this blog, as well.

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